Joe Biden To Star In Breathtaking Upcoming Bollywood Movie ‘I Pooped In Punjab’
MUMBAI, INDIA-- US President Joe Biden has recently wrapped up filming his…
Heads Up: France On Lockdown As Explosive Bird Crap Drops In Europe And Asia
PARIS, FRANCE-- Several outbreaks of severe bird poop downpours in Europe and…
Pope Francis Performs Exorcism On Vatican Bathroom After Biden Pooping Incident
VATICAN CITY-- In an effort to rid the Vatican of a disgusting…
Biden And France’s Macron Settle Their Differences By Competing In Televised Mud Wrestling Match
ROME, ITALY-- Presidents Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron met in Rome today…
Success: Australian Government Solves COVID Crisis By Executing All Their Citizens
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA-- After an unsuccessful attempt at eradicating the COVID virus with…
Justin Trudeau Promises To Be More Caring Dictator After Winning Totally Legitimate Election
OTTAWA, CANADA-- After winning Canada's most legitimate election in history in a…
Newly Unearthed: Over 2,000 Year Old Confucius Quote Telling Future Americans To Take COVID Vaccine
BEIJING, CHINA-- A never-before-seen quote from famed Chinese philosopher Confucius has been…
China Gets Trolled After Taiwan Makes Winnie The Pooh Their Official Country Mascot
TAIPEI, TAIWAN-- Taiwan unveiled its new Winnie the Pooh mascot yesterday in…
Accused Myanmar Leader Claims She Used Biden Strategy Of Hiding In Basement To Win Election Legitimately
NAYPYITAW, MYANMAR-- After getting arrested by Myanmar's military for alleged election fraud,…
China’s President Xi Praises RINO Republicans For Being Even Bigger Traitors To US Than Democrats
BEIJING, CHINA-- Communist dictator President XI Jinping has gone on record commending…
Boris Johnson Confirms: ‘I’m Self-Isolating Because I’m Useless, Not For COVID’
LONDON, ENGLAND-- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is self-isolating for the 69th…
Trendy Pope Francis Declares Bible ‘Just A Guideline’ And Optional Reading For Catholics
VATICAN CITY-- Pope Francis made a stunning statement yesterday when he told…