Tag: Rated G

Governor Gavin Newsom Abruptly Leaves Press Conference To Return Some Videotapes

SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA-- During a recent news conference discussing ending apartheid and slowing…

Daily Soak Staff

Biden Flies To Delaware To Survey Florida’s Hurricane Ian Damage

REHOBOTH BEACH, DELAWARE-- In an effort to assess the damages done to…

Daily Soak Staff

Florida Democrats Cheer Losing Their Homes To Hurricane Ian As Way To Own Ron DeSantis

FLORIDA-- Thousands of Democrats in Florida were jubilant after Hurricane Ian ripped…

Daily Soak Staff

Democrats Accuse Trump Of Hiring Hurricane Ian To Destroy Classified Documents In Florida

WASHINGTON-- In an urgent press conference Wednesday morning, House Democrats accused President…

Daily Soak Staff

Putin Losing War After Russian Tanks Get Stuck Driving Through All The US Money Sent To Ukraine

KIEV, UKRAINE-- The tide has turned in favor of Ukraine when hundreds…

Daily Soak Staff

White House Clarifies That Biden’s Actually Shaking Hands With Invisible Man

WASHINGTON-- After numerous strange videos of President Joe Biden shaking hands with…

Daily Soak Staff

Stacey Abrams Recants Statement After Eating 100 Snickers Bars: ‘You’re Not You When You’re Hungry’

ATLANTA, GEORGIA-- After facing major backlash for her statement about there being…

Daily Soak Staff

Police Bust Local Catnip Dealer After Officers Pose As Cats

BURLINGTON, VERMONT-- Police in Vermont are being heralded as heroes for busting…

Daily Soak Staff

FBI Raids Nest Of Squirrel That Was Rummaging Through Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Trashcan

PALM BEACH, FLORIDA-- After receiving a tip that an Eastern gray squirrel…

Daily Soak Staff

MSNBC: ‘It’s 2032, The Walls Are Definitely Closing In On Trump This Time’

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK-- On a year 2032 episode of MSNBC…

Daily Soak Staff

Martha’s Vineyard Democrats Turn Away Migrants After Learning They’re Trump Supporters

MARTHA'S VINEYARD-- Immediately after discovering that the Venezuelan migrants were supporters of…

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