WASHINGTON– Former Vice President Joe Biden has been on fire lately, pledging to appoint his old nemesis Corn Pop to the Supreme Court if he’s elected Prime Minister of Canada.
Biden made the shocking announcement during a recent South Carolina Democratic event where he went into full detail about the former gang leader and now court judge Corn Pop.
“I’m looking forward to appointing Corn Pop to the United States Supreme Court,” Biden, 77, said in a stump speech in his bid to take the Prime Minster’s role from Justin Trudeau, prompting cheers from his dedicated supporters.
Everyone’s jaws dropped in approval when Uncle Joe guaranteed he would not only nominate the former razor-wielding Corn Pop to the position, but that he would also consider appointing more black people into important positions, such as popular actors Fat Albert and Bill Cosby.

“We also talked about appointing black representatives to foreign countries,” Biden said as he adjusted his dentures. “We need more powerful African-Americans in high-ranking positions, which is why if I’m elected I’m appointing my good friend Fat Albert as ambassador to Gotham City and Bill Cosby to the country of Jurassic Park.”
It’s still unclear whether he mixed up Gotham City and Jurassic Park in his remarks, due to the fact that Fat Albert has more political experience with countries similar to Jurassic Park.
Biden’s reassuring comment about Corn Pop was one of a series of highly-supported campaign promises as the stable Prime Minister candidate seeks to win Canada’s highest office.
Without skipping a beat, the spry Biden finished with, “Look me over, people. Look into my mouth. If you think I look like Barack Obama then vote for me. If not, then vote for the other Trump, OK?”
“I’m Joe Biden, and I don’t remember this message.” Paid for by the Biden for Prime Minister Campaign.
Biden: “I’m message, and I approve this Joe Biden.”