WASHINGTON– Joe Biden vowed to stop the sudden surge of freedom-seeking Cubans fleeing to the United States by building a large concrete border wall along the southern coast of Florida, saying the wall was necessary because too many anti-communist immigrants would hinder his efforts at implementing the Great Reset.
During a prerecorded CGI speech, Biden doubled down on his claim that pro-America Cuban citizens are not the kind of people that will help the US to become one of the greatest utopias in the world, along with other paradise countries such as Venezuela, North Korea, and China.

“Folks, we only want the finest undocumented murderers, rapists, and criminals coming into America,” Biden said while readjusting his soiled diaper. “That’s why I promise I’ll begin construction immediately on a border wall to stop the surge of patriotic, pro-Trump Cubans who are trying to sneak illegally into our great, crime-free country, or my name isn’t President Kamala Harris.”
Biden went on to say that his Florida border wall will be a “small, ugly wall,” and that “Mexico won’t be paying for it.”
To pay for the border wall on Florida’s southern coast, the Biden administration said that it would divert all funds away from Hunter Biden’s parmesan cheese fund and put the money into laying heavy concrete on top of sinking sand along the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean.