WASHINGTON– Dead people who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential Election are planning on holding a rally this Saturday inside a local graveyard in an official “Million Dead Voters March” to voice their disapproval of having their votes discarded by mean judges who foolishly follow the laws of the Constitution by claiming that dead people can’t legally vote.
The protest will take place inside the Dearly Departed Democratic Cemetery right across the street from the Donald Trump Million MAGA March being held by almost 80 million dead-phobic people who voted against the rights of the dead population by supporting the current president.
The tombstones were all lined up in orderly fashion this morning as they held up Biden flags and other signs calling for the votes of dead Americans to be kept in the final vote tally for the Democratic candidate, saying that discarding their votes will set a dangerous precedent for future elections where Democrats will lose the majority of their base.

The head organizer of the Dead March for Biden is Cecil Gates, a 175 year old Civil War veteran who died on the battlefield in 1865 and who now belongs to the Democrat party.
“The Democrat party fights for the rights of all dead Americans,” are the words that are written on Cecil Gates’ tombstone. “The Republicans are not inclusive enough because they refuse to recognize that dead people have voting rights as well.”
Joe Biden left his basement of the president-elect office for a few minutes to give a rousing two minute encouraging speech to a few of his deceased supporters at a local cemetery in his hometown of Delaware, promising that he will continue to fight to keep the votes of dead people so that the Democrat party doesn’t completely collapse.
“C’mon, man, dead people are the heart and soul of the Democrat party,” Biden said confidently as the headstones stood there silently cheering. “We can’t let Trump and his band of dead-hating supporters ruin any future Democrat politician’s chances of winning another election by claiming using dead people in elections is voter fraud.”