MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA– In a odd twist to an already odd situation, many anti-Trump, anti-police rioters have now turned their anger onto their boss George Soros, claiming that he has been treating them unfairly by not giving them the same rights as other workers across the nation.
According to a statement put out by a representative for the anti-Trump employees, rioters have been putting in more than eight hours per day with hardly any meal breaks or time with their families.
“Mr. Soros is in violation of numerous labor laws,” said representative Ben Baxter in the statement. “Every employee across the country has minimum rights under the law, such as paid time off, holidays, breaks, and working in a safe environment. Many of the anti-Trump employees say that they have suffered workplace injuries which Mr. Soros as their boss is responsible for.”
The injuries sustained by anti-Trump employees, such as fingers getting burned from starting fires, cuts from breaking glass, and sore throats from screaming epithets, have largely been ignored by their employer.

Anti-Trump employee Gerry Atric, 23, says that he only wants Mr. Soros to start treating him and his coworkers better by investing more money into the organization.
“He’s got plenty’a cash,” Atric said as he spray-painted the words onto the side of a church building. “My boy Zeejay already quit this crappy job and got himself a job workin’ as a government intern. If Soros don’t open up his wallet and take care’a us, plenty more of us is gonna be quitin’ too.”
In response to the anti-Trump rioters’ outrage, many reputable mainstream media news outlets are saying that President Donald Trump needs to put out another statement telling the rioters to stop.
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