80 Year Old Man Poses As High School Student And No One Notices
RENO, NEVADA-- Students at the Reno Visionary High School were shocked when…
Top 4 Things People Don’t Know About President Obama (5 Photos)
4. Obama can make his nose disappear at will. On several occasions,…
Police Searching For Toupee Thief
BALD KNOB, ARIZONA-- Police are working overtime in the hopes of catching…
Scientists Prove You Really Can Huff And Puff And Blow A House Down
TOPEKA, KANSAS-- Scientists from the Topeka Aeronautics Center have stated that, not…
Wow: See The Weird Japanese Restaurant That Cooks All Its Food
TOKYO, JAPAN-- Imagine going into a Japanese restaurant and thinking you were…
New Hair Club For Balding Pets Is A Huge Success
GALVESTON,TEXAS-- A leader in the hair restoration industry has recently created a…
Remake Of Karate Kid Movie In The Works
HOLLYWOOD-- This summer, a remake of the classic 1984 Karate Kid movie…
Recent Elvis Presley Sighting Is In The Most Unheard Of Place
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE-- A recent Elvis sighting has the world rejoicing. Experts believe…
TSA Replaces Pat-downs With Hugs
CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA-- With all the recent news regarding the TSA and…
China Purchases Checkers Restaurant In Major Deal
TAMPA, FLORIDA-- A major deal was made today between the Checkers restaurant…
First Squirrel Ever Appointed As Mayor Of Boston
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS-- Boston's first squirrel was appointed as mayor of Boston on…
Bernie Sanders Forgets Which Country He’s Campaigning For
SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO-- Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders made a minor…