MOSCOW, RUSSIA– President Vladimir Putin has recently been accused of using his violent police force to attack, arrest, and imprison peaceful protesters who disagreed with the way he had been running the government of Russia.
Millions of people across the world have boycotted Russia in protest of the way Putin arrested his own citizens and then froze their bank accounts so they couldn’t buy any food to feed their family or pay their bills. Thousands of Russian truckers were protesting against Putin’s forced vaccine mandates.
“This is an unacceptable outrage,” said Lindsey Graham, Republican Senator of South Carolina. “The Russian people need to step up to the plate and get rid of that evil dictator Putin for the way he treated his own citizens by forcing them to get the vaccine or face jail time and frozen bank accounts. Disgusting.”
Many people on Twitter voiced their support for the peaceful Russian protesters who simply wanted their freedom and to not have the authoritarian government control every aspect of their lives.
“I stand with the people of Russia,” wrote one person on Twitter, followed by a few Russia flag emojis. “Russian citizens should be allowed to peacefully protest without having their tyrannical Russian government say what they can or can’t do or force them to inject vaccines into their bodies just to work.”
A mass boycott of all things Russia began immediately after news media outlets broadcasted a disabled elderly woman getting trampled by a police horse.
CORRECTION: The evil dictator who attacked, arrested, imprisoned, and froze the bank accounts of his peaceful citizens was actually Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, not Russia’s President Vladimir Putin as first reported. After the world found out it was actually Trudeau who imprisoned his own peaceful citizens, leftwing news outlets stopped reporting on Trudeau’s crimes, Lindsey Graham changed his stance and said Trudeau has every right to do what he did, and people on Twitter praised Trudeau for stopping the racist Nazi protesters.