SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA– Great news to everyone who gets the COVID-19 vaccine. Funeral homes across the country have been trying to incentivize hesitant people into getting vaccinated by offering a free tombstone to anyone who shows their vaccination card for the rest of this year, or until they die, whichever one comes second.
A funeral home chain out of California is leading the charge to get people to hurry up and get vaccinated and is urging everyone to not wait too long after being inoculated because the shot’s effects might take effect before they even have time to come pick out their headstone.
The Hombre Muerto Caminando Funeral Home got the ingenious idea of offering up the free treat after seeing the uptick in vaccine deaths being reported across the country.

“The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is one of the best things that has ever happened for our business, I mean, for people’s health,” said Jim Reaper, head of the embalming unit. “We’re also offering to pick up your dead body if you can show proof that you were stupid enough, I mean, smart enough to get the second dose.”
The promotion is one of the awesome freebies being given away to anyone who’s had the experimental gene therapy shot, along with a local restaurant that’s giving away free poisoned meals to those who show their vaccination card.
When asked by reporters if him and his coworkers will also be getting vaccinated, Reaper said he can’t get the vaccine because then there won’t be anyone left to run the funeral home.