WASHINGTON– Immediately after Joe Biden ordered the entire country of Syria to be blown off the map, hundreds of his supporters took to Twitter to reiterate how happy they are now that Donald Trump is no longer tweeting mean things.
Many voters praised the way Biden calmly and politely bombed large portions of Syria, saying that the deaths of thousands of innocent men, woman, and children are a small price to pay to not have to read Trump’s harsh words.
With Trump no longer on Twitter, reported one user, the world is a much more pleasant and peaceful place and the Syrian citizens should be thanking Biden for ridding the social media site of such cancerous language.

“Now that we finally got rid of Trump’s scary, fascist, dangerous, mean tweets,” wrote mask-wearing user Anyone But Trump, “we can finally do more peaceful things, such as bomb the Middle East and murder thousands of innocent men, women, and children so central bankers can gain more wealth.”
Another Twitter user with three blue wave emojis by her name tweeted that she hopes Biden starts nuclear war with North Korea to help her get over the PTSD of having Trump as president for the last four years.
“We have so many countries we need to attack after stupid Trump selfishly signed so many peace deals,” wrote one user who didn’t vote for Biden, but just hates Trump. “I’m still recovering from the fascist way Trump kept bringing our troops home to the US. We finally have a presidential man in office like Biden, not a brutal dictator like tRUMP.”