WASHINGTON– President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden have reached an agreement regarding the 2020 election fraud fiasco surrounding which candidate is officially set to take the White House, deciding that both men will serve as the country’s leader for the next four years.
Instead of addressing the massive amount of election fraud evidence, Democrats and Republicans have voted unanimously to let both Trump and Biden serve as dueling presidents and then simply let the chips fall where they may in regards to making decisions that will affect the entire world.
“We figured this would be a much safer alternative than admitting that both sides of the aisle rigged the Presidential Election,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell after a zoom call with China’s President Xi. “I’m certain the American people care more about getting their candidate into the White House than fixing any supposed fraud. Who am I to argue with that?”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi reiterated her Republican colleague’s sentiments and stated that the best way to please everyone is to just let both Trump and Biden be president, which will also allow Biden to veto Trump’s veto whenever corrupt politicians try to pass any future money laundering bills.
Not only will the US have dueling presidents for the first time in history, but it will also debut dueling vice presidents, first ladies, and dependent children. Due to the anemic size of Biden’s real supporters though, any future rallies for the two presidents will be combined into one.