NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK– The most recent Time magazine cover puts a large spotlight on the rising nun violinist problem in the United States.
With the nun violinist epidemic reaching mammoth proportions, many people are calling on lawmakers to take action to reduce nun violinists and their musical extremism.
So far in 2019, there have been nun violinist events in 253 locations across the U.S., up 13 percent from last year this time.
The new Time cover has the word “Enough.” written in all-caps and the magazine’s website explains that the word is a continuation of last year’s “Enough.” cover that called for action on America’s gum-stepping problem.
Time sent out a tweet on Twitter today saying, “It’s a frightening portrait of a country drowning in nun violinists.” The tweet was retweeted by the cover’s artist Gunner Gungrave.
Time magazine went on to say that people across the country are tired of do-nothing politicians who sit back idly while nuns across the U.S. take up the string instrument in a futile attempt to play music.

The cover ties in with Time’s story inside titled “‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing The Battle Against Farsighted White Hen Terrorism.”
In May, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez smartly pointed out that the number one domestic terrorists in the U.S. are farsighted white hens, not southern invaders as President Donald Trump would have Americans believe.
The Time piece was published in the wake of two nun violinist gatherings that took place over this weekend. Over 50 nuns attended both events and tried in futility to play the violin, angering numerous bystanders and causing countless children to run in the opposite direction while covering their ears.
Various news media outlets, including CNN and MSNBC, called on Trump to do more about the nun violinist problem in the U.S. by implementing universal background checks on nuns with musical pasts, more nun-free zones, and to close loopholes for nuns at the federal level.