Tag: Jobs

Japan To Require Foreign Workers Arriving On New Visas To Do Cosplay

TOKYO, JAPAN-- Foreign workers entering the country using new working visas will…

Daily Soak Staff

ISIS Members Threaten To Quit After Getting Pay Cut

BAGHDAD, IRAQ-- Hundreds of ISIS members have threatened to quit their jobs…

Daily Soak Staff

Airlines Hiring Prostitutes As Stewardesses

BANGKOK, THAILAND-- A major airline company out of Thailand has been making headlines…

Daily Soak Staff

Pulling Teeth Is Like Pulling Teeth, Says Dentist

PORTLAND, OREGON-- A dentist from Portland has caused a minor uproar among…

Daily Soak Staff

Fecal Matters, Says Defecation Rights Group

SMELTIT, GEORGIA-- A fecal rights group out of Smeltit has filed a lawsuit against Congress…

Daily Soak Staff

Foot Jobs Are A Great Start For Teen Girls

ORLANDO, FLORIDA-- Have you ever wondered how some teens get their feet wet in…

Daily Soak Staff

Dear Trump

Dear Trump: Wife torn about future job position: DEAR TRUMP: I'm very…

Daily Soak Staff

USPS And UPS Merge Into One Company

WASHINGTON- The United States Postal Service has recently acquired the world's largest…

Daily Soak Staff

Walmart Cuts 2.2 Million Jobs, Replaces Workers With Mannequins

BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS-- In light of Walmart recently performing as the best stock…

Daily Soak Staff