VATICAN CITY– In an effort to rid the Vatican of a disgusting evil stench, Pope Francis performed a nine hour exorcism on his personal bathroom after President Joe Biden desecrated the toilet, floor, walls, and ceiling with his putrid, brown fecal donation.
Once word got to the Pope about Biden’s accidental pooping event, the Pontiff quickly sprang into action by grabbing his trusty can of air freshener and began spraying all around the halls of the former sacred, majestic building while chanting.
“I adjure thee, most evil spirit, in the name of all that is holy, begone foul presence,” said the Pope loudly as he threw holy bleach all over the defiled restroom. “We drive your smelly Satanic excrement away from here, you unclean spirit!”

Due to the seriousness of the mess that Biden left behind, the Pope called a meeting with all the top Cardinals from the Roman Catholic Church to discuss the best and quickest way to both rid Rome of the funky aroma and to cast out any remaining waste deposited from America’s most popular president.
As soon as he returned to the United States on the advice of the Pope, Biden performed a formal sacrament by taking an oath to never visit Vatican City again.
Holy Shit!
The Hemorrhoid Strikes Back.
Biden’s fart was “long and loud and impossible to ignore.”
The bowels of Hell definitely opened up here.
Poop Francis is what Biden refers to him as.
“I didn’t crap myself, it was just a very wet fart.” –Biden
Is Biden still full of shit?
The shit’s really gonna hit the fan now. 😉
Let’s go brandon.
Joe hizo caca en sus pantalones
And now Mr. Poopy Pants is getting his colon examined.