LAS VEGAS, NEVADA– Three right-wing Make America Great Again MAGA hats with loose fittings to a few far-right scalps tried causing chaos at a recent Las Vegas protest, advocating for the overthrow of many Antifa members current black helmets.
Federal prosecutors say the three red hats were disrupting the peaceful riots by attempting to jump on top of rioter’s heads in an effort to force more left-leaning protesters to support President Donald Trump.
Local authorities say the MAGA hats are tied to far-right extremist heads who began conspiring in April to get Trump reelected, trying to capitalize on the George Floyd protests by campaigning for the current president in the midst of a pandemic that the news media has already forgotten about.

FBI SWAT took the violent hats into custody about 2 miles from the protest site before they were able to place themselves on top of unsuspecting rioter’s heads.
Police say the three instigating hats were seized as they adjusted their straps in an effort to fit the smaller heads of the left-wing rioters.
The hats were being held on $100 trillion bond each in the local county jail, according to CNN News reporters.
The MAGA hats met on a Facebook group and eventually met up at a protest in April, calling for the reopening of the country’s Trump rallies. The hats were not wearing coronavirus masks when apprehended, so they will also be facing charges of attempted murder for putting all the thousands of rioter’s lives at risk for infection.