WASHINGTON– Former President Barack Obama followed up his cryptic “Vote.” tweet this morning with yet another insanely baffling one-word message that has set social media ablaze with sheepish speculation.
“Goat.” he tweeted only one day after he tweeted “Vote.” in response to President Donald Trump’s “Obamagate!” charge.
Twitter’s amateur political pundits are scrambling to figure out what Obama meant with his simple, succinct retort to his already mysterious “Vote.” reply, and if he was kidding or serious.

Many Twitter sleuths are assuming the word “Goat” is in reference to the domesticated furry animal because of Obama’s uncanny ability to eat tin cans and cardboard boxes, while others are speculating that he is implying that he has been the scapegoat for giving the country eight years of Joe Biden as vice president.
“What did he say?” Joe Biden tweeted out after his campaign staff suggested he respond intelligently to his former boss’s perplexing message.
Other people have suggested Obama’s response is due to Trump’s recent accusation that Democrats are guilty of goat fraud for trying to use illegal male-inn goats as hotel workers instead of giving the jobs to legal animals, such as rail-thin stoats.
A few Democrats have come out in defense of male-inn goats working at hotels, saying rail-thin stoats are too skinny and weak to carry heavy luggage into people’s rooms, and also goats can chew and swallow classified documents in a hurry much easier than other animals.