BURLINGTON, VERMONT– A female dog that had its nose grabbed forcefully by Michael Bloomberg during a campaign stop says she wants to press charges against the grabby-hands billionaire.
The unwanted encounter between the former New York city mayor and the defiled pooch has sparked a major debate on social media, with millions of people on Twitter arguing whether the Democrat presidential candidate had the right to grab the dog against her will.
Arianne the dog, 4, claimed she was assaulted by Bloomberg and threatened that if she told anyone he would tell everyone that she was the one who came on to him.
Unbeknownst to Bloomberg though, a disgruntled soda vendor was recording the entire event, and later uploaded the controversial video to both Twitter and YouTube.
The dog says Bloomberg crashed a Bernie rally dressed as a young, hip skateboarder in an effort to sway voters away from Sanders to team Mike.

Speaking to Fox News, Arianne said, “I was assaulted by Mr. Bloomberg and I would like to press charges against him. I gave him all the signals that I wasn’t interested in his advances, such as growling, snarling, and barking at him.”
Arianne points to a 2005 tape where Bloomberg was secretly recorded bragging about grabbing dogs by the snout.
“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful dogs,” Bloomberg could be heard saying in the crass recording. “I just start petting them. It’s like a magnet. Just pet. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the snout.”
This is gold, Jerry. Gold.