WASHINGTON– In a shocking turn of events, Republican President Donald Trump is shifting gears and will be switching over to the Democrat party in what some political pundits are calling the ultimate game of 4d chess.
After seeing the deplorable results at the chaotic Iowa caucus, Trump told millions of people on his Twitter account that he will now be running as a Democrat in an effort to make the once distinguished party great again.
“Huge news, everyone,” Trump tweeted earlier this morning in what CNN is calling the ‘tweet heard round the world.’ “Starting today, I will now be switching over to the Democrat party and I promise my leftist voters that I will make Democrats great again.”
Trump went on to say that the impetus for joining forces with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff was the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” slogan, adding that the Democrat party is the party of the great Jimmy Carter.

At the recent New Hampshire primary, hundreds of confused Democrat voters began shaking violently after hearing the president’s news and are now in a state of cognitive dissonance.
“I don’t know what to do,” said potential voter Elizabeth Warren, an ardent Mayor Pete Buttigieg supporter. “Orange man bad, but orange man Democrat. So confused now.”
Former Vice President Joe Biden says he deserves the credit for the president switching parties because of the time at the South Carolina town hall when he told an attendee, “You should vote for Trump.”
“You see, I told you to vote for Trump,” Biden said with an arrogant smirk. “I think my prognostication definitely makes me fourth-tier presidential candidate material. If you don’t like it then vote for Bernie.”
Various news outlets are reporting that the Democratic National Committee is now scrambling due to the sudden surprising news that Trump is now a Democrat and are already rethinking the whole idea of voting blue no matter who.
Inside sources say the DNC has already developed a new app just in time for the South Carolina primary, which chairman Tom Perez guarantees will be a surprise to everyone when Pete Buttigieg wins again.
They’ll probably all change to Republicans.