WASHINGTON– Former vice president Joe Biden has recently sent out a tweet announcing that he’s seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination for the 2020 presidential election.
The 76 year old politician also stated in the tweet that he knows how to handle the job of president better than Donald Trump and that he feels that Trump is out of touch with women voters.
“Trump can’t touch this,” Biden said in one of his tweets. “I’ve had close contact with many women voters and no other candidate connects with the female base like I do.”
During his time as vice president, Biden embraced his touching bromance with Barrack Obama and has kept close contact with the president ever since.
Even though Biden has been accused of numerous scandals over the years, he’s somehow managed to brush them off with a stroke of genius.

Following his announcement, Biden cited a recent news poll that showed how he scores higher than Trump in the female witch, demon, robot, mannequin, lioness, and cartoon groups, while President Trump has a higher connection to women models.
The Biden-Trump fued started when Trump became president, but was nudged along further after Biden said that if they were in high school he would “take him behind the gym and brush the hair out of him.”