Philly Man Gets Own TV Show On Food Network (6 Photos)
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA-- A 36 year old chef from Philadelphia will be getting…
Legless Man Outruns Cops
MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA-- A video that is going viral shows four police officers…
Kim Jong-un Creates Massive Hurricane To Showcase His Power
PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA-- North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un created a massive hurricane…
Mailboxes Renamed Gender-Neutral Boxes To Avoid Discrimination
WASHINGTON-- In an ongoing effort to avoid discrimination by either including or…
Scientists Use Stem Cells To Grow Penises On Trees
TOKYO, JAPAN-- For the first time ever, scientists in Japan have used…
Entire Audience Goes Blind After Watching The View
NEW YORK, NEW YORK-- An audience of 150 people has gone blind…
Baby Injured After Being Dropped By Stork
WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND-- A newborn baby was injured after falling from a stork's mouth…
Fecal Matters, Says Defecation Rights Group
SMELTIT, GEORGIA-- A fecal rights group out of Smeltit has filed a lawsuit against Congress…
Heart Attacks Man In Central Park
NEW YORK, NEW YORK-- Police in New York are on the lookout…
Last Living Nazi Boots Tried For War Crimes
BERLIN, GERMANY-- The last living pair of Nazi Boots was found and…
Pervert Wanted For Painting Sleeping Women’s Feet
TEMPE, ARIZONA-- Police are on the lookout for an unidentified man who…
Mother Sues Baby For Painful Childbirth
BEAVER DAM, KENTUCKY-- Typically, giving birth to a newborn baby is one…