NEW YORK, NEW YORK– With all the talk of student loan forgiveness in the media lately, we thought we’d take a closer look at why forgiving your student loan may be a very good idea and possibly save your life.
1. He’s just doing his job.
Everyone needs to earn a living and student loans are no different. They wake up in the morning and kiss their wife and kids goodbye before they head off to that mundane 9 to 5 job. It’s no wonder that sometimes they can get a little cranky and harass those people who made promises to them that they refused to keep.
Take that into consideration the next time he shows up in your mailbox or at your doorstep with interest rates as backup muscle.
2. He lives a very long time.
In case you thought you could just wait it out and outlive your student loan, then think again. Student loans have a very high life expectancy, almost always outliving whoever it is they’re dealing with. Student loans have some of the longest lifespans on the planet, even longer than some reality shows.
Talk to your student loan and get to know him a little better. He’s probably been around the block and has some very interesting life stories to tell. At least pretend that he’s interesting, maybe he’ll cut you a break eventually.

3. He knows your family.
That’s right. Remember the moment you first got into a relationship with a student loan and gave him all of your information? He’s got an awesome memory. He knows all those people you’re close to who helped you to get involved with him and he doesn’t forget.
If by some lucky chance you die and get to escape the hands of a student loan, just know that he’ll be knocking on your mom and dad’s door inviting himself inside every month nonstop.
4. He’ll always find you.
Student loans have those extra special set of skills that they use if you try to get away from them after you promised them that you’d be honest and never back out of whatever deal it was that you made with them.
Many people try to get away from a student loan, even leaving the country, but just know that every day you’ll have to live hiding in fear knowing that one day a student loan could pop out of a rice bowl in China and gut you like a fish.
So perhaps forgiving your student loan just might pay off in the end.