SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH– A men’s rights group out of Utah is petitioning Washington to be able to have equal rights with women when it comes to pregnancy, citing that it’s not fair that women are the only ones who can become pregnant, have morning sickness, breastfeed, and every other symptom that comes along with the territory.
Eric Noodlemeister, 39, is head of the Utah chapter of Men Who Want To Become Pregnant and says that it’s discriminatory for only women to have the opportunity to get pregnant.
“This is discrimination plain and simple,” Noodlemeister said to reporters, wearing a fake pregnancy belly in protest. “Why is it that only women are given all the same equal rights as men, such as working, voting, taking out the trash, shaving, and urinating standing up, but us men can’t have the same rights that women have? Our Men Who Want To Become Pregnant organization is calling on Congress to pass a law giving men the same privileges as women.”

With all the pressure coming in from various men’s rights groups around the country, Washington has reacted by giving $12 trillion in funding to medical research centers around the country to give men the chance to get pregnant and breastfeed.
“It’s almost a done deal,” said Dr. Larry Feinstein, researcher at Mike’s Medical Center and Deli. “With all the money Washington poured into our research, we were able to pay a hypnotist twenty bucks for every man he’s able to hypnotize into thinking he’s pregnant.”
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