Tag: Donald Trump

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Putting Masks On Laptops May Stop Spread Of Deadly Computer Virus

WASHINGTON-- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has asked everyone to start taking the current…

Daily Soak Staff

Experts Suggest Social Distancing From Social Media To Mitigate Spread Of Coronavirus Hysteria

CLEVELAND, OHIO-- Experts from the U.S. Centers for Hysteria Control and Social…

Daily Soak Staff

Nancy Pelosi Apologizes To Trump After Eating Snickers Bar: ‘I Was Hungry And Wasn’t Myself’

WASHINGTON-- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has apologized to President Donald Trump for…

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China’s President Xi Appoints Coronavirus As Ambassador To The United States

BEIJING, CHINA-- President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping announced…

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Establishment Democrats Hold Their Breath After Trump Says Breathing Good For Health

WASHINGTON-- Corporate Democrats are urging everyone to start holding their breath after…

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Democrats Send Terminator Back In Time To Stop Trump From Ever Becoming President

WASHINGTON-- A cyborg asset was recently sent back in time from 2020…

Daily Soak Staff

Democrats Play Trump’s Speeches Backwards, Find Hidden Russian Messages

WASHINGTON-- Damning new evidence against Donald Trump has recently been brought forth…

Daily Soak Staff

CNN Report: Trump Meddles In Election Process By Intending To Run Second Term

WASHINGTON-- Shocking new evidence uncovered by CNN investigators has recently revealed that…

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Joe Biden Promises He’ll Appoint Corn Pop To Supreme Court If He’s Elected Prime Minister Of Canada

WASHINGTON-- Former Vice President Joe Biden has been on fire lately, pledging…

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Obama Demands TV Stations Stop Airing Despicable Ad Claiming Biden Was His Vice President

WASHINGTON-- Former President Barack Obama demanded South Carolina news stations and a…

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Mike Bloomberg Runs Ads On Stage In His Place After Taking Beating At Last Democratic Debate

CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA-- Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave a…

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Violated Dog To Press Charges After Michael Bloomberg Grabs Her By The Snout

BURLINGTON, VERMONT-- A female dog that had its nose grabbed forcefully by…

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