WASHINGTON– Amidst another round of executive orders signed by President Donald Trump was a ban targeting former President Joe Biden’s push to hire more blind airplane pilots during the previous administration’s quest for more diversity.
After the pilot of yet another plane crash was later identified as a blind pilot hired during the Biden administration, Trump decided it was time to put an end to the Democrat’s DEI policies in the Federal Aviation Administration.
“Ending Biden’s DEI in our aviation sector was long overdue,” said Trump as he signed the executive order inside of the White House Oval Office. “The Democrat’s push to force woke ideology into out aviation industry was done by stupid people. We need to have the best pilots, the most qualified, and pilots with the most competent eyes. Preferably ones who can see. I can’t believe I have to say this, but our pilots need vision. And for now on our pilots will have the best vision in the world. The greatest.”
Many Democrats in Congress stood in front of the FAA building protesting Trump’s discriminatory ban on all those disabled, vision-challenged pilots, promising to take legal action in an effort to allow totally blind pilots to be able to keep flying aircraft.
At publishing time, it was reported that a Biden-appointed federal judge had blocked Trump’s executive order and ruled it was unconstitutional to deny blind pilots from flying planes. The judge then granted a little leeway by allowing the blind pilots to bring their seeing eye dogs into the cockpit to help them fly the planes.