ATLANTA, GEORGIA– While campaigning to get Vice President Kamala Harris elected, former President Bill Clinton made a stop at a local McDonald’s where an excited fast-food employee mistakenly confused the old, perverted, senile Slick Willy for the other old, perverted, senile President Joe Biden.
It was a mildly embarrassing moment for Clinton when the female McDonald’s worker asked if he was Joe (Biden), drawing a laugh from the former president who then quickly corrected her that he was the other perverted, old Democrat Commander-in-Chief.
“I think you got me confused with President Biden,” Clinton told the ecstatic woman as he massaged her back. “I’m the other deviant, sexually perverse old man who used to be your Democrat president. Joe prefers using his nose to invade young girl’s spaces, while I prefer to use another part of my body to assault women.”
Clinton consoled the confused McDonald’s employees and said it was an honest mistake, being that him and Joe are both old, racist, white-haired Democrats who have been caught countless times in depraved situations.
Bill then bragged about all the times he went to Epstein Island, saying Biden has a lot of catching up to do. “Maybe when Joe retires he can spend more time doing the things he loves, like groping, sniffing, and showering with unsuspecting females. Brings back fond memories of my time as president.”