WASHINGTON– Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused COVID-19 of racism for infecting her this week, saying the virus could have just as easily infected some random white American but instead chose to attack a strong person of color.
AOC became outraged after she tested positive for the coronavirus Sunday night and immediately took to Twitter to voice her displeasure at the racist, white supremacist virus that only targeted her because she’s a Latina woman of color.
“I just wanted everyone to know that I was attacked recently by a racist white supremacist,” wrote AOC in the tweet, referring to her positive COVID diagnosis. “This is yet another example of the rampant systemic racism that pollutes America. It’s time we weed out all the racist viruses and put a spotlight on their bigoted ways.”

The congresswoman stated that she is recovering from the racist attack at home and is also experiencing symptoms from the prejudiced virus even though she says she received her anti-white supremacy booster shot in the fall.
The positive coronavirus test comes shortly after AOC was seen unmasked in Florida hugging, dancing, and getting romantic with the supposedly deadly white virus. Ocasio-Cortez denies the rumors that she cheated on her boyfriend with the more masculine, alpha male COVID virus.
Numerous critics have called the congresswoman a hypocrite for accusing the virus of being a white supremacist while at the same time secretly getting romantic with COVID when she thinks no one will find out.