WASHINGTON– Texas Senator Ted Cruz has just revealed shocking new evidence about Big Bird on his official Twitter account this morning proving that the beloved Sesame Street character is in fact a communist and is working on behalf of the People’s Republic of China to undermine the United States from within by pushing Chinese-created vaccines.
On Saturday, Big Bird tweeted on his Twitter account that he loves getting injected with experimental COVID vaccines, especially the ones made in China, and encouraged all American children to go to their nearest Chinese restaurant and have one of the barely intelligible waiters stick a needle in their arm for the good of the country.
An enraged Cruz fired back at the yellow bird, calling him an anti-American communist sympathizer, later revealing numerous photos that he claims are of Big Bird committing acts of terrorism against the US.

“Big Bird is a red communist working on the payroll of China’s President Xi to destroy the US,” wrote Cruz in a series of damning tweets. “I have reason to believe that Big Bird was paid by China to inject American children with a shoddy vaccine made in China.
“Americans should only be injecting themselves with dangerous vaccines made in the good ole US of A,” Cruz added, followed by three American flag emoji symbols and a flexed bicep.
Big Bird denied the accusations that he is doing the bidding of China and claims he only wants what’s best for children, which is why he plans on building COVID vaccine reeducation camps where kids can come and play and also be de-radicalized from right-wing extremism at the same time.
I always knew that yellow bird was really red. Pushing Big Pharma since the 70s.
I hope Big Bird enjoys his blood clots.
Big Bird likes hiding under Xi’s desk.