AUSTIN, TEXAS– Popular radio show host Alex Jones has started selling special sunglasses on his Infowars website that he claims lets you see who is vaccinated with the COVID-19 injection, promising that the unique eyewear is necessary to keep the purebloods safe from total world domination through a biological weapons program using vaccines.
Jones took his film crew out to a Starbucks coffee shop to prove to the world that the sunglasses are highly effective at seeing through the dead skin that the vaccinated use to trick people into thinking they’re real humans.
“The vaccinated walk among us,” said Jones with a megaphone while cameras filmed the sunglasses in action. “Look at all these dead, vaccinated carcasses walking around like zombies while the Satanic COVID serum slowly eats away at their blackened soul!”

While he screamed loudly into the doorway of the Starbucks, numerous gene therapy-injected liberals began chasing Jones through the parking lot trying to infect him with their contagious spike proteins.
After running over a few vaccinated zombies with his all-terrain vehicle, Jones drove his truck through the front window of the local Cable 54 news headquarters and took over the roof’s transmitter in an effort to get the word out to the American people to not take the clot shot.
“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass…and I’m all out of bubblegum,” said Jones, broadcasting his earth-shattering message to the world. “I’m here to save the world, dammit. If you want to save your life then head on over to and get my spectacular sunglasses for only $29.95.”
Alex Jones Was Right.
Super male vitality.
The zombies will walk the earth.
I can actually hear Alex Jones really saying this.
The vaxxed don’t look that good.