WASHINGTON– As more and more evidence of election fraud continues getting exposed for the world to see, Democrats assured everyone that the millions of fraudulent ballots being counted for Joe Biden are “mostly peaceful cheating.”
Immediately after the release of video surveillance showing four poll workers in Georgia magically finding suitcases of pristine ballots for Biden in the middle of the night, Democrat politicians like Nancy Pelosi shrugged off the silly accusation and guaranteed it was nothing to worry about.
“The actions taken by our Democrat vote counters were merely innocent deception,” Pelosi said as shredder trucks continued to destroy evidence. “This mild election fraud scheme was mostly calm, mostly peaceful cheating.”

Pelosi went on to say that President Donald Trump is exaggerating the effect that the tranquil and nonviolent cheating will have on the presidential election, confirming that cheating in elections is as American as Karl Marx and communism.
“There’s no proof whatsoever that millions of fake ballots can overturn an election,” Pelosi attested after burping up vodka. “The cheating was mostly innocent and largely justifiable. Mr. Trump needs to concede to the fact that our team of vote riggers worked a little bit harder than he did to give Biden the well-deserved win.”