PHOENIX, ARIZONA– The discovery of a dinosaur last week in Arizona has been making headlines around the world, and the archaeologist who found it was none other than a 12 year old boy.
Young archaeologist Harrison “Indiana” Jones was digging in his parent’s backyard with a red plastic toy shovel near his swing-set when he made the startling archaeological find.
After hearing news of the dinosaur discovery, numerous scientific communities around the world rushed out to the Phoenix home in hopes of catching a glimpse of the rare dinosaur and also talk to the courageous young boy who was responsible.
“I can’t believe I found it,” said Harrison to Archaeology For Morons reporters with his proud parents by his side. “I started digging in the dirt ’cause I wanted to bury my brother Sean’s favorite Xbox game for future people to find. That’s when I hit something hard and got really excited.”

Harrison went on to say that approximately 2 years ago when he was 10 years old, he buried his brother Sean’s favorite toy dinosaur so that future generations could one day see what toys from the past looked like.
“I forgot I buried it,” Harrison said in reference to the unearthed toy dinosaur.
This isn’t the first toy dinosaur discovery that made national headlines.
In 2014, a 13 year old paleontologist from Nevada was playing the “hide my older sister’s makeup kit” game in his backyard when he came across a fragment of a skull from plastic toy dinosaur bones that he had buried 4 years prior.
Upon closer analysis, experts found that the dinosaur has been around for at least 3 years, proving that the earth is a minimum of 3 years old, even older than previously surmised. In child years, says Harrison, 3 years is quite a long time.
These dinosaurs aren’t just restricted to Arizona. There have been numerous cases of toy dinosaurs being discovered in other parts of the world, including retail stores, yard sales, and flea markets.