PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA– An 8 year old boy has made headlines in the news lately after claiming that eating candy for breakfast is a healthier alternative to whole foods, such as eggs, vegetables, and fruits.
In his new book Candy: The Other Breakfast Meat, 8 year old Kenny Harris gives substantial medical proof that the consumption of sugar-heavy foods, especially chocolates and gummies, causes spikes in playtime energy and an increase in strength when beating up siblings.

“I like candy,” Harris wrote in the preface of his book. “That’s why I eat it and it tastes good and my mom says it hurts my teeth and tummy, but she’s stupid.”
With the large increase of dietary sugar, says Harris, the body puts on extra weight in the form of fat. That extra fat is highly beneficial during times of stress whenever fighting off an angry sibling.
“My sister’s mean,” Harris added as he ate an entire box of chocolate-covered gummie bears while playing Candy Crush Saga. “Candy gives me power to punch her face harder. I like candy for lunch too.”
Kenny Harris’ new book Candy: The Other Breakfast Meat is a New York Times bestseller.
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