Tag: Twitter X

Donald Trump Fires Back With Painting Of Himself Scrubbing Jim Carrey Out Of Toilet

WASHINGTON-- President and mega-troll Donald Trump has unleashed his comedic side with…

Daily Soak Staff

Authorities Say Arrested Mall Santa Is Definitely Not Extremely Deceased Jeffrey Epstein

METROPOLITAN, NEW YORK-- A man working as a mall Santa Claus who…

Daily Soak Staff

Rashida Tlaib Blames Late Chinese Food Delivery On White Supremacy

DETROIT, MICHIGAN-- Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib blamed "white supremacy" for Chinese food…

Daily Soak Staff

Corn Dog Joins 2020 Democratic Field For President

WASHINGTON-- American food Corn Dog announced on his Twitter account yesterday that…

Daily Soak Staff

You’re Fired! Chick-Fil-A No Longer Hiring Christian Chickens

ATLANTA, GEORGIA-- Chick-fil-A made a major announcement this morning on their Twitter…

Daily Soak Staff

Angry Vegan Claims Burger King Should Have Meat-Free Bathrooms Away From Carnivores

ATLANTA, FLORIDA-- A perturbed vegan man is suing Burger King after going…

Daily Soak Staff

Elizabeth Warren Says She Was Bernie Sanders Long Before Bernie Was Bernie Sanders

MONTPELIER, VERMONT-- Sen. Elizabeth Warren was in typical Sanders but not Sanders…

Daily Soak Staff

AOC Backs Out Of Debate With Conan Military Dog After Getting KO’d On Twitter By Hero Canine

WASHINGTON-- Twitter has been ablaze with laughter lately as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…

Daily Soak Staff

Climate Change Says That It Now Identifies As Environmentally Fluid

EARTH-- Famous celebrity Climate Change recently gave an interview on Entertainment Weekly…

Daily Soak Staff

Frantic Democrats Accidentally Get Locked Out Of Their Own Closed-Door Impeachment Hearings

WASHINGTON-- An intense closed-door testimony this morning became even more disjointed after…

Daily Soak Staff

Hero Or Villain? Cop Arrests Squirrel For Jaywalking, Resisting Arrest

ANGLE INLET, MINNESOTA-- A small, secluded town's policeman is making the news…

Daily Soak Staff

Hunter Under Fire After Accidentally Killing Seagull Thinking It Was Rare Palila Bird

HONOLULU, HAWAII-- A Pennsylvania man who was recently in Hawaii during an…

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