Man Chokes On Brain Stem
ATLANTA, GEORGIA-- An Atlanta man was rushed to the emergency room yesterday after…
Too Much Exercise Can Make You Healthy, Warns Doctor
NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY-- Researchers at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School warned last week…
Obese Women Have Higher Chance Of Being Fat, Study Says
TREVORTON, COLORADO-- According to a study done by the Feminine Animal Testing Service…
Obese Man Fired For Fat-Shaming
ROANOKE, VIRGINIA-- A thirty-four year old obese man from Roanoke was terminated Tuesday…
Famous Runway Model Dies After Eating
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-- The fashion world is in mourning today after a…
Cat-Flavored Ice Cream Huge Success In Korea
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA-- A new cat-flavored ice cream has been flying off…
Dead Cats And Dogs Litter Small Town
WATERLOO, WISCONSIN-- Early yesterday morning in the small town of Waterloo, local…