Breaking News: Leaker Finally Found Inside White House
WASHINGTON-- It took investigators less than two weeks to finally locate the…
With Thanksgiving Looming, Band Of Rogue Turkeys Killing Farmers
JACKSTONE, PENNSYLVANIA-- Farmers across the United States are being warned by government…
Police Brace For Pumpkin-Related Crime Wave This Halloween
FERNWOOD, UTAH-- Last Halloween, a group of pumpkins terrorized children and parents…
Moron Calls Another Moron A Moron, Says Moron
SYRACUSE, NEW YORK-- Three morons tied up traffic today in the middle of…
Baby Injured After Being Dropped By Stork
WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND-- A newborn baby was injured after falling from a stork's mouth…
Lassie’s Death Ruled Illuminati Hit Job
HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA-- Famous beloved dog actor Lassie's unexplained death has finally been…
Fetish Porn Found On Clinton Email Server
WASHINGTON-- Federal prosecutors investigating the classified materials on Hillary Clinton's private email server…
Nicolas Cage Wanted For Impersonating An Actor
HOLLYWOOD-- In a lengthy one sentence memo sent out by the Federal…