Pope Francis Performs Exorcism On Vatican Bathroom After Biden Pooping Incident
VATICAN CITY-- In an effort to rid the Vatican of a disgusting…
White House Confirms Biden Will Dress Up In Costume And Pretend He’s President This Halloween
WASHINGTON-- Relieved that he can finally tell people he's the legitimate commander-in-chief,…
Thousands Of Dogs Crap On Dr. Fauci’s Lawn In Solidarity After Hearing About His Canine Testing Experiments
WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Immediately after hearing the upsetting news that their canine brothers…
At 189 Years Old, Nancy Pelosi Says She’s Almost Ready To Retire From Political Office…Almost
WASHINGTON-- Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi reaffirmed a promise she…
Heroic: Roll of Toilet Paper Comes Out As Paper Towel, Proves It Has More Uses Than For Just Wiping
FLINT, MICHIGAN-- A toilet paper roll from Michigan is being heralded as…
Joe Biden Discusses Possible Cabinet Roles For His Bathroom Toiletries And Linens
WILMINGTON, DELAWARE-- Former Vice President Joe Biden has finally opened up about…
Donald Trump Fires Back With Painting Of Himself Scrubbing Jim Carrey Out Of Toilet
WASHINGTON-- President and mega-troll Donald Trump has unleashed his comedic side with…
Justin Trudeau’s New Military Program Uses Canada Geese As Weapons
OTTAWA, CANADA-- Throughout Canada's history, the brave people of the Canadian Army…
‘Kingdom Sharts 3’ Update: Free DLC Reveal, New Board Game Coming
TOKYO, JAPAN--ย Spare Enix's Kingdom Sharts series has splattered all over the place…
New Research Says Most Dogs Would Prefer Pooping On Their Own Lawns, Not Neighbor’s Lawns
BRONX, NEW YORK-- Shocking research that's just been released has left many…
Top 6 Must Wear Costume Masks This Halloween (6 Photos)
BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA-- Want to set yourself apart this Halloween and rack up…
Doctors Confirm: Having A Bowel Movement Can Kill You!
DOVER, DELAWARE-- Hold it in! Medical professionals from the Dover Fecal Matter…