Ukraine Peace Talks In UK Cut Short After Men’s Bathroom Runs Out Of Tampons
LONDON, UK-- A tragic incident happened during the Ukraine peace talks meeting…
Biden Inspired Video Game ‘Call Of Doody: Stained Underwear III’ Has Exploded All Over America
SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA-- A new video game based on the bathroom habits…
Startling Revelation From Ashley’s Diary Shows Biden Used To Shower With Corn Pop
WASHINGTON-- Shocking new evidence has been revealed recently out of the infamous…
Biden Accused Of Cultural Appropriation After Mistakenly Leaving Saudi Arabia Shower With Towel On Head
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA-- President Joe Biden has caused an international controversy once…
Pope Francis Performs Exorcism On Vatican Bathroom After Biden Pooping Incident
VATICAN CITY-- In an effort to rid the Vatican of a disgusting…
Hillary Clinton Accuses Husband Bill Of Being Russian Asset After He Forgets To Put Toilet Seat Down
CHAPPAQUA, NEW YORK-- Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave an emergency…
Joe Biden Discusses Possible Cabinet Roles For His Bathroom Toiletries And Linens
WILMINGTON, DELAWARE-- Former Vice President Joe Biden has finally opened up about…
Angry Vegan Claims Burger King Should Have Meat-Free Bathrooms Away From Carnivores
ATLANTA, FLORIDA-- A perturbed vegan man is suing Burger King after going…
Doctors Confirm: Having A Bowel Movement Can Kill You!
DOVER, DELAWARE-- Hold it in! Medical professionals from the Dover Fecal Matter…
Ratings Juggernaut: New Law & Order Series Is A Confirmed Hit
HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA-- After putting out countless versions of the hit show Law…
Who Needs The Super Bowl? This Year’s Pooper Bowl Will Make Football Stink
HOUSTON, TEXAS-- Growing tired of watching the same old boring football game…
Scientific Acheivement: Scientist Trains Elephant To Use Human Toilet
TANZANIA, AFRICA-- An elephant in Africa has become the first of its…