CORUSCANT– The Rebel Alliance were forced to cease operations and leave the scene immediately after a Galactic Empire judge appointed by the Emperor made a last minute ruling that they were not allowed to destroy the Death Star.
Luke Skywalker was flying his X-Wing through the Meridian Trench on his way to blow up the main reactor when the judge’s ruling came in, ordering him to stand down and abort the mission.
“Red Five, can you hear me?” Said the voice from the Rebel Base through the small intercom. “Luke, we just got word that a Galactic judge has ruled that we cannot destroy the Death Star. I repeat, we cannot destroy the Death Star. So abort the mission immediately. Pull out of the trench. That’s it, we’re heading back home.”
The disillusioned Rebel fighters reluctantly gave up the fight and started leaving the Death Star, vowing to appeal the rogue judge’s decision to hopefully get the decision overturned.
Only minutes after the Rebels fled the scene, the Death Star destroyed the Rebel base on moon Yavin 4, killing everyone.