SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA– After being called a hypocrite for mocking Kyle Rittenhouse for crying in court, basketball player LeBron James decided to prove to his critics that he himself never cries by slicing an onion on video and then posting it to his YouTube account as proof.
The ordeal started when thousands of people on social media called out the phony LeBron for laughing at Rittenhouse for his teary display and then dared the sports player to prove to the world that he isn’t a fake who has never cried.
LeBron fired back at his detractors by defending his previous so-called crying episodes with a post on his social media account saying, “What tears????? I never cried. Man knock it off! I just ate some lemon heads before walking into the basketball court.”
The prerecorded video of LeBron shows him in the kitchen with his maid as she explains to him exactly what an onion, knife, and cutting board are, being that it was the first time he had ever entered into the eating area.

Around the one minute mark of the video, LeBron starts cutting the onion and just as his eyes begin to well up with tears the video suddenly jumps to another scene showing James in his bathroom bragging about how he just proved to all the Rittenhouse fanboys that the potent onion had no effect on his masculine eyes.
The onion-cutting video gained national attention, but not for the reasons LeBron had hoped for, as millions of people began calling him out for obviously editing the footage.
“The onion wasn’t the only thing that got sliced,” wrote someone on Twitter, referring to LeBron cutting out the part of the video where he cried incessantly. “That video had more cuts than a horror movie.”
He probably cries when he cuts the cheese.
I’d cry too looking at that face every day.