WASHINGTON, D.C.– Immediately after hearing the upsetting news that their canine brothers and sisters were abused by Dr. Fauci for NIH medical experiments, thousands of dogs from across the country came together in unity for a good cause by going to the diabolical doctor’s residence and then crapping all over the front lawn of his home.
Upon finding out the news of the canine torture experiments, angry dogs got the word out on social media by getting the phrase #ArrestFauci trending on Twitter in an effort to come up with a plan of action on how they were going to make Dr. Death pay for his animal crimes.
Leading the charge is five year old Golden Retriever Rex, who is the mastermind behind the Poop On Fauci Lawn campaign where dogs from multiple states left smelly dumps on Fauci’s lawn.

“Hundreds of puppies suffered at the hands of Dr. Fauci’s inhuman testing on dogs with our taxpayer money,” said Rex to reporters as he squatted on Fauci’s property relieving himself. “Pooping on someone’s property is how us dogs show we don’t like or respect someone.”
While wiping his behind up and down Facui’s aromatic evergreen shrub, Rex added, “I won’t stop till I’ve covered every inch of that bastard’s pretty green grass with my little brown calling card. Sic semper tyrannis!”