CHICAGO, ILLINOIS– A new study at the Health Fabrication Institute suggests if news outlets are trying to convince the public to believe the coronavirus exists then using stock photos of models pretending to be medical experts makes it more credible and successful at persuasion.
Experts recommend using more than one stock medical photo in a COVID-19 article to increase believability of the propaganda on those who may be more difficult to deceive, such as people with an IQ over 80 or those who wrongfully do their own research before taking the word of mainstream news media talking heads.

“Photographs of non-scientific people wearing white lab coats and stethoscopes were shown to give more credibility to medical articles designed to push an agenda,” said Dr. Bard Fibber, head researcher. “Our fictional research shows that adding beakers, syringes, and masks to the staged photos increases the level of indoctrination and submission.”
Even though fraudulent photos of fake physicians work better on foolish adults, says Dr. Fibber, children were shown to be more susceptible to brainwashing by showing cute and cuddly puppies getting kicked violently by mean COVID-19 viruses with angry faces.
“A coronavirus article’s level of trustworthiness depends less on accuracy and more on how scary the picture is.”