WASHINGTON– The Washington Post has stated that they have disproved another false claim by President Donald Trump, who claimed during a recent speech that 1+1=2.
The dangerous incident occurred when Trump scolded a CNN news reporter about the laughably absurd accusation that many mainstream news outlets are reporting fake news, which prompted the president to boldly claim that reporting real facts is as simple as 1+1=2.
“Just report the facts,” Trump responded offhandedly to the reporter’s question about why President Trump sided with the British during the American Revolutionary War in 1775. “Reporting real news is as simple as 1+1=2.”
According to The Washington Post, the mathematical inaccuracy was not the first false claim Trump made during the intense speech. While walking onto the stage with J.D. Vance, he was overheard telling the vice president that the water he drank earlier was exceptionally wet.
The Washington Post gave the president four Pinocchios for making the erroneous claim after their reliable fact-checkers decided that the math equation was incorrect.
Numerous Democrats have taken to Twitter X to lambaste Trump for misleading the public regarding inaccurate addition problems that could lead to serious life-threatening circumstances.
“Mr. Trump needs to be held accountable for lying about basic arithmetic,” said AOC with an attached photo of her counting her fingers. “I’m calling for bipartisan support in opening a new investigation into the president’s obvious manipulation of numbers.”