NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK– Radio host and Market Wars founder Dow Jones claimed on his latest show that globalists and mainstream media outlets are responsible for the recent stock market drop in an effort to implement their Satanic New World Order.
Jones went on to say that this staged globalist false flag is the real reason why his fellow U.S. patriots Blue Chip Index and Nasdaq were both down this week, claiming he has secret undercover video of very high-ranking Wall Street crony capitalists discussing their devious plans at this year’s Bohemian Grove.
“They’re staging these market attacks to create an economic civil war to put Hillary Clinton’s Inverse ETFs in the White House,” Dow Jones screamed as his red arrow fell when referring to a possible premeditated recession. “This is the reason I dropped 1,200 points today because major platforms are trying to silence me and keep me from rebounding.”

Later in the show, Jones said that Saudi Arabian hyper-nationalists have been working in conjunction with big tech platforms to censor him from getting the truth out about the gay frog pandemic that’s causing U.S. equity markets to fall so sharply.
“They’re hiding the gay frog antidotes inside Saudi crude oil,” added Jones as he showed an unearthed stock market graph that CNN was hiding from the public. “This chart index was given to me by fellow American nationalist Mr. S&P 500 right before the globalists crippled his growth as revenge for exposing their demonic plans.”