TAMPA, FLORIDA– A high-profile divorce case out of Florida is making national headlines this week after a realistic sex love doll divorced her human husband, making this the largest sex toy divorce settlement in United States history.
Jessica Busty, the petite silicone masturbation device who was officially divorced last week, claims that her former psychiatrist husband abused her both physically and psychologically and used her as his own personal sex slave.
Her lawyer claims that she suffers from PTSD and has a broken hip after her former husband bent her leg back too far in one of his weird, twisted sex games.
The lawyer, Jack MeHoffer, claims that his client also suffers from severe psychological problems because her ex husband used his knowledge to play mental games with Jessica, going as far as to let his psychiatrist colleagues have sex with her as well.

“My client’s ex husband is a sick man that should have his license revoked,” screamed an irate Jack MeHoffer to Pornhub reporters. “We found hundreds of disgusting sex videos that he uploaded to various porn sites of himself having rough sex with my client in ways I won’t even mention. The judge presiding over the case used those videos as evidence when making his decision.”
MeHoffer went on to say that the twisted psychiatrist got off easy and that $2.8 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the lifelong mental anguish that Jessica will now have to endure.
“I’ll never be able to be intimate with another human man again,” Jessica said with her angry lawyer by her side. “I’ve recently joined a support group for sex dolls who’ve been abused by their human owners. Us dolls may have been made in a factory, but we have feelings too.”
Jessica told reporters that she’s met a formerly-abused male sex love doll at one of the meetings and that the two of them are now dating. No word on whether the two dolls have been intimate.