NEW DELHI, INDIA– After a major landslide victory, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sworn in for a second term in office and news media outlets around the world are now referring to him as ‘Little Trump.’
In what became a wild media circus in India, Modi’s seven-week long campaign saw the Prime Minister adopt a wild television-style campaign reminiscent of President Donald Trump, including telling female news reporters they’re bimbos, calling most Indian media fake news, arriving at rallies in expensive elephants, and using vulgar language to get his points across.
Before the election, Modi was trailing most of his political opponents in popularity and that’s when he decided that he needed to come up with a new strategy to be able to win a second term.
Going against every one of his adviser’s advice, Modi watched thousands of hours of Trump’s campaign rallies and interviews and then implemented the brash, unorthodox techniques into his own campaign.

“We’re building a wall around India,” Modi told Fox News India immediately after being sworn in. “When Pakistan sends it’s people, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs and crime. I assume some are good people. But I love Pakistanis, one of my favorite foods comes from there.”
One of the main campaign promises that Modi ran on was that if he gets elected for a second term he’ll appoint a special prosecutor to put “nasty” Hillary Clinton in jail.
Analysts say that Modi’s talk of Hindu nationalism, kicking out illegal immigrants, and strong borders are making many minorities nervous.
When asked about his tough stance on illegal immigration, Modi stated, “Do I look like a Prime Minister? How handsome am I, right? How handsome?”