HANOI, VIETNAM– After a failed summit meeting in Hanoi, both President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un took to Twitter to voice their displeasure over the failed talks at coming to an agreement over which leader has the nicest head of hair.
The breakdown happened after Kim whispered to his Foreign Minister that Trump’s hair takes too much maintenance and that the President probably spends more time looking in the mirror than First Lady Melania.
The President shot back saying that Kim gets too much of his information from fake news channel CNN.
Before flying back to Washington, Trump tweeted that Kim is a tyrant who forces his citizens by gunpoint to say that he has the greatest hair in the world, even though in private they say that Trump’s hair proves that blondes have more fun.

Kim immediately fired back at the President in a tweet saying that only a bleached blonde bimbo wouldn’t realize that the world was laughing at him, not with him.

What do you think? Who has the nicest head of hair? Voice your opinion in the ‘Hair vs. Hair’ online poll.