WASHINGTON– A protest is currently underway in front of the United States Capitol Building as the American workforce urges Congress to pass a new law that would let employees of every profession work on Labor Day and take off the rest of the year.
According to the Labor Day rights group Labor Day Rights Group, people are tired of being forced to take Labor Day off while having to work the rest of the year.
Wolfgang Flay Ramsay, the head of the group, claims that Labor Day was originally created so that workers could have one day out of the year that they were guaranteed to have work. He says that due to a dyslexic secretary back in 1894, the real reason for the holiday got mixed up.

“Labor Day was supposed to be the one day of the year when everyone worked,” said Ramsay as he rallied the troops on the steps of the Capitol Building. “The secretary who typed up the Labor Day act was dyslexic and typed that workers should take off on Labor Day and work the rest of the year.”
Political lore states that when President Grover Cleveland had Congress make the Labor Day act into law he was so drunk that he hadn’t noticed the secretary’s major mistake. But by then it was too late and the Labor Day act as we know it still exists to this day.
Ramsay and the millions of other American workers are promising not to give up until Congress changes the Labor Day act back to what it was originally intended.
“We’re not gonna stop fighting,” promised Ramsay. “We’re gonna camp out here in front of Congress until they change their minds, or at least until Labor Day because most of us have BBQ plans with our families.”