CHASE FOX, FLORIDA– Get ready to become the coolest cat or the hippest dog with this year’s most talked about trend, which incorporates fashion with a love for animals. The Diputs company has introduced a new line of backpacks called Backimals that are made out of living animals that people can wear whether going to school, work, the gym, or out to the club.
Diputs works in conjunction with various animal shelters by taking all their stray animals and other pets that were deemed too violent, sick or unruly to be used as pets. The company even nabs pets out of the wild. Most of the animals being used as backpacks are infected with rabies and other diseases, so Diputs is warning consumers to first take precautions before purchasing a Backimal.
Shepard Stevens, CEO of Diputs , says that although most people have acclimated to their Backimals biting, scratching and clawing at their necks, head, and back, many people have chosen to get a few rounds of rabies shots and other vaccines first.
“Our first priority is the safety of the animals,” Stevens said to local news reporters. “Our plants that manufacture these awesome Backimal backpacks follow stringent animal rights laws and regulations, such as giving the animals the necessary doses of anabolic steroids to combat any obvious signs of lethargy.”

The Backimal comes in many different varieties, with the cat, dog, squirrel, raccoon, and badger topping the bestseller’s list.
Stevens added, “Our badger Backimal sales have skyrocketed after numerous people have reported getting compliments on the severe skin lesions from all the badger bites. In response to the increase in sales, we have decided to up the dosages on all badger steroid injections. Most of the animals have responded well to the steroids, with many animals reporting bench press increases by as much as one hundred pounds.”
Diputs has put out a survey on their website asking customers for their wishlist on the next Backimal animal. As of this writing, the hyena and the crocodile are in the lead to becoming the next Backimal backpack.
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