MULESHOE, TEXAS– A group of mules is leading a campaign to try and have the word “Jackass” banned, saying it’s a derogatory slur used against mules, who are a cross between a female horse and a male donkey.
The group Mule: I Ain’t No Jackass argues that the J-word is one of racial, religious, and species hatred, saying there’s nothing funny about its use.
Howdy, a 3 year old mule from Muleshoe, claims the J-word is being improperly used against his kind and that it gives others the impression that donkeys are more intelligent than mules.
He claims this has also caused mules to lose roles in movies to donkeys, such as in the animated film Shrek where the part originally called for a mule, not a donkey.

“We’re calling on Congress to have the J-word banned for life,” Howdy told local Fox news reporters, holding up an anti-Jackass sign. “The J-word is antiquated, impartial, discriminatory, racist, prejudiced, biased, and drives a wedge further between us and donkeys. It’s about time we all came together and put an end to this segregation.”
Even though most mules are in favor of banning the J-word, some believe that doing away with the word will limit opportunities that mules have over donkeys whenever a jackass is needed, especially for movie roles, comedic situations, or when calling a moron a jackass.
“I think we should keep the J-word,” Guss the mule said, protesting against the other mules. “What’re we gonna call someone whenever they do something stupid, or when Hollywood needs someone to play a jackass? These other mules don’t realize the negative impact this’s gonna have on our industry.”
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MLM Mule Lives Matter