DALLAS, TEXAS– After 20 years of study, researchers at the Dallas Study Center came up with one surefire method that men can use that’s guaranteed to drive beautiful women crazy. This secret is now being made available to the public.
According to Dr. Ben Stein, any man who constantly insults a beautiful woman by calling her disparaging names is guaranteed to aggravate her and drive the woman crazy. The study, he says, opens up a whole new door for men who are looking for ways to drive women crazy.
“We’ve proven that when a man insults a woman,” the gray-haired Dr. Stein said to a Science Daily reporter, “the woman seems to become extremely annoyed and eventually ends up going crazy. We’re not quite certain why this is, but apparently women don’t like to be insulted.”
The Dallas Study Center used 1,000 test subjects in its lengthy study. For 20 years, researchers followed 500 men as they constantly insulted beautiful women. Every single case ended the same, with the woman going crazy after years of being annoyed by insults.
“This is a large step in our quest at understanding relationships,” added Stein as he showed Science Daily a video of a man making fun of a woman’s perfect figure. “With this new discovery, men across the world will finally know what that one thing is that drives women crazy. For years, scientists believed that the secret to driving women crazy was ridiculous things like being romantic, taking care of a woman’s physical needs, or listening to a woman’s conversations. Well, I think it’s safe to say that we can do away with any of those false notions.”

When asked by Science Daily if this new discovery will give men a better chance at picking up beautiful women, Dr. Stein nodded.
“Yes, of course, don’t be silly,” Dr. Stein said arrogantly. “Perhaps you don’t realize the gravity of this discovery. This’s been the Holy Grail for all those less than average men around the world who’ve always wanted a chance at dating a beautiful woman. Now that we’ve made this discovery, women around the world will finally get a chance to see men for who they really are, not the facade they normally put on to try and impress them.”
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Yes, this is too real.
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