Emperor Palpatine Mandates COVID Vaccine For All Citizens After Getting Full FDA Approval
CORUSCANT-- Emperor Palpatine has officially mandated the coronavirus vaccine after the Galactic…
Newly Unearthed: Over 2,000 Year Old Confucius Quote Telling Future Americans To Take COVID Vaccine
BEIJING, CHINA-- A never-before-seen quote from famed Chinese philosopher Confucius has been…
World’s Most COVID Vaccinated Man Says He Feels Great After Receiving 180 Shots Within Two Months
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA-- A man from California is making headlines recently after…
Funeral Homes Offering Free Tombstones To Anyone Who Shows Proof Of Vaccination
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA-- Great news to everyone who gets the COVID-19 vaccine.…
Satan Reassures Hesitant People The COVID Vaccine Is Safe And Definitely Not The Mark Of The Beast
HELL-- Due to the overwhelming amount of negativity surrounding the new coronavirus…
Scientists Create Flu Vaccine To Combat Effects Of Original Flu Vaccine
BIG PHARMA, TEXAS-- After having to finally admit that flu vaccines actually…